Send A Case
In keeping up with the digitalization era, Rainbow maintains an open file for digital dentistry and is ready to accommodate your case at any time. The following is how we would go to work on your digital case:
Step 1 - File Reception
When your digital file is received by our technicians, scheduling and anticipated completion is calculated and relayed to your practice.Step 2 - Designing
Once the case is logged and scheduled, our design technicians go to work and use their industry-specific techniques and experience to ensure the design process passes this stage with flying colors.Step 3 - Printing and Milling
Our top of the line StratasysⓇ milling machine will now bring your case to life.Step 4 - The Finished Product
Finishing. Staining. Glazing. Polishing. At this stage of the process, the crown undergoes these processes that give it its realistic and unique qualities.Step 5 - Delivery
We will deliver your product to our Bay Area Delivery Zone free of charge! If you are outside of this zone, give us a call and ask about our One Way Shipping Guarantee.

Download our Prescription Form, fill it out and upload it to this case form for review.